Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lots of Quilting!

I just finished up this lap size star quilt. I've had this pattern on my bucket list for many years. The star points are made by sewing squares onto all four corners of a rectangle and then clipping, flipping and pressing. If this process has a name, it's not coming to me. This quilt is going in a Journey Bag for Foster Care Ministry. They give bags/backpacks full of toiletries, books, pajamas, a blanket, etc. for children going into foster care. I asked them if they'd accept a quilt as a blanket and they were very enthusiastic.
Isn't this backpack I found at TJ Maxx adorable?!? I decided this was for a 4 year old girl. They gave me a list of things with which to fill it. I bought some of the stuff from TJ Maxx and then the rest from Target. As I was putting things in my cart at Target I became really concerned about everything fitting. I sat in my car in the parking lot filling it to the brim! I hope, though, that this little girl doesn't have to carry this thing. It is heavy!

I've basted this wonky log cabin and have started machine quilting it with wavy lines. I'm happy to finish up some variegated quilting threads that I've had for a while. A real scrap quilt.

I've also been in touch with a local group that represents children in the court systems. They were looking for volunteers but it was more of a time commitment than I felt I could do so I offered to make a quilt for their benefit auction. I went to my quilt book shelf and the first book I laid eyes on was Roberta Horton's Scrap Quilts The Art of Making Do. I pulled it out and opened it to Scrap Baskets and said "this is it"! If I could only own one quilt book it would be this one.